Tuesday 11 March 2014

OH Vienna... EEK

Well it's the next morning, and while I didn't have a hangover as such, I wasn't 100 percent right.  We'd had breakfast and the pig count was down.  The trip for today was Vienna.  What I really liked about Eddie, he went with the flow.  He liked seeing all the sights but he wasn't to bothered where we went, as long as it was interesting.

Vienna, for me carried such a romantic history, both in films and real life.  I'd researched it before we left the UK and I was so desperate to get there, I was foaming at the bit.  I wanted to go on the hunt for Harry Lime, There was Mozart, Beethoven, The Wheel (Also in "The Third Man"), it was a geek paradise.  The only thing that got Eddie's mouth watering was finding out that Vienna was famous for it's coffee houses.

The bus was packed and we were ready and off we went.  The tour guide told us that he'd arranged something for us when we coming back to the hotel.  "A detour", he said, being all mysterious.  On the way there, he gave us the history of the area and  how Vienna had changed hands.  The whole thing was so interesting in drowned out Eddie's snores in the next seat.  When he got to the "coffee houses", Eddie's radar was on full alert, and he kept telling me to remember where these "mystical places" were.

We pulled into Vienna and the first thing I saw was the "big  wheel".  I nudged Eddie and pointed, expecting him to take in the majesty of it all.  He looked for a little while and then he said, "They're just like the Garden Shed, he'd got at home".  That put a small damper on my enthusiasm.  We pulled in and the guide said we'd got 9 hours and to remember where we'd parked.

I was at loss.  There were so many things I wanted to see.  I was going, "hunt for Harry Lime, There was Mozart, Beethoven, The Wheel (Also in "The Third Man"" and Eddie was going, "Coffee, Coffee, Coffee, Coffee, Coffee, ".  We compromised and decided we'd head off towards a coffee house and if there was something interesting on the way we'd stop.

Now, I'm not overly religious and in reality neither is Eddie but there are times when we have our moments.  We walked along, like tourists, with Eddie going "Coffeee, Coffeee, Coffeeeee" and we saw St. Stephen's cathedral.  I said to Eddie, there's nothing more interesting than that, so we went in.  It's a weird thing, but there was a meeting/service going on and the place was enormous.  Eddie turned to me and said, "Let's sit and I can think about my daughter".  He'd lost his daughter to leukemia, and he's often told me that he feels closer to her in church.  I feel the same way about my dad.  We sat there in quiet contemplation, and bathed in the majesty of the cathedral.



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