Sunday 16 February 2014

Intro to Time Travel 101

Okay, I'm a blogger...

It sounds rude but this is my first blog.  I know I have another blog called "Selly's Place" but this is going to be memory driven.  It's not going to be in chronological order but it'll be memories.

"Why this title", you say?  Actually you say bugger all, as you've not read this yet.  Well, it's a way of keeping a little piece of me alive...  and when the dementia sets in (HA Too late)  I'll have memories of people that were, and are special to me... and as I type about them, they'll exist in your minds too.  The thing is, immortality will exist for these people and for the most they deserve it.  The "time" bit is, well it's the years I've spent on the planet and the "space" bit is that various memories, will be in different spaces.  All that and shoot me, I'm a whovian.

I'll try and make them an entertaining read but some times something a little sad will pop up and I'm not apologising for this, as without sadness, we wouldn't know the importance of joy.  It's become my mission...  and I chose to except it...

YAY! First post 

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